Age 42, A Physical Transformation To Emergency Surgery, To Cycling The Alps – David’s Story - Dean McMenamin

Age 42, A Physical Transformation To Emergency Surgery, To Cycling The Alps – David’s Story

Imagine getting in the shape of your life and then suddenly, you’re struck down with pain and find yourself under the knife in the operation theatre… 5 weeks before a once in a lifetime cycle trip through the Alps with your mates.

That’s what happened to David Hills, one of our clients and Inner Circle members.

In this article we have take a deep dive into David’s story …

DM: Welcome to the DM Insider Spotlight, David. Tell us a bit about about you?

DH: I’m David. 42 years old, software developer, I live with my wife two sons, ages 9 & 11, in Bedfordshire.

DM: What goals did you have in mind when you started?

DH: To lose the fat around my midriff and get some upper body definition – despite regularly cycling relatively long distances I was still managing to slowly but surely put on weight around the waist as I got older.

DM: Had you tried anything else to achieve this prior to working with us on the program, and how was that working?

DH: As mentioned, I cycled regularly. I also committed to a year of 20 press ups each day but didn’t see any real changes. While I felt quite fit and had certainly got quicker on my bicycle, I didn’t really look any different in the mirror. If anything I was actually putting weight on around my stomach.

DM: Ok, so what changes have you seen in your time on this program?

DH: Upper body definition is finally starting to show in a way that it hasn’t since I was going to the gym in my 20s. Still some fat around my waist which I’m working on but the difference is that I feel like I’m in control now.

Apart from just the change in body shape, I feel stronger, fitter, and am eating way better than I have in my life. The amount I’ve learned about food and nutrition has been enormous.

DM: Excellent work, my man. You’re looking great. So what are you feeling most proud of so far?

DH: Setting a good example for my family. My wife has recently started following my lead with her meal choices at lunchtimes (e.g. eggs yesterday, sardines today). Children sometimes see me do my home workouts and are interested and asking questions.

DM: Agreed. If we want a healthy family it starts with us leading by example. Good work. So what’s been your biggest challenge in your time with us, and how did you overcome it?

DH: I had planned a cycle trip to ride some of the big climbs in the Alps. 5 weeks before the trip I was rushed into hospital. I woke up at 5am on the Saturday with a bit of a sore stomach, and by Sunday lunchtime was in the operating theatre for emergency surgery to remove my appendix.

It really came out of nowhere.

The operation went as well as possible, but I was advised not to undertake any strenuous activity at all for 2 weeks afterwards.

With Dean’s guidance I was able to gradually build things up again through weeks 3 – 5. He suggested exercise variations where necessary and was always on hand to help with any questions.

I’m pleased to say that 5 weeks and 1 day after the operation, I went on the trip to France and succeeded in riding the Col du Galibier twice – once from each direction.

DM: That’s awesome! Good effort on bouncing back so quickly for your trip. So what’s next for you -what goals are you working towards now?

DH: Continuing to improve my diet, get stronger, and live a generally healthier life.

DM: Good man. We’re never the finished product. What advice would you give to anyone just starting out?

DH: Chat to Dean. I waited a year before reaching out, trying to do things my own way but without any real direction. I wish I had got involved with the program earlier!

DM: Thanks for your time, David. You’re inspiration for many of the guys in our community. Keep setting those high standards.

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About the Author Dean McMenamin

Dean McMenamin is an Army veteran, father, dog-lover and body transformation coach to every day men all over the UK & Ireland. He's also a big eater of ice-cream.

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