Success Stories
"I'm a much more confident and happy person because of the way I feel about myself and my body."
"I needed change in my life. I was at that mid life stage of unfit getting a belly and beginning to not like what I saw in the mirror. I had never done anything like this before so didn't know what to expect. After chatting with Dean I immediately respected the man such a down to earth guy and over time has proved to be a fantastic coach and changed my life more than I ever hoped was possible. Over my time working with dean I have achieved many things I simply couldn't do before and I'm a much more confident and happy person because of the way I feel about myself and my body. Dean makes nothing impossible and everything achievable. I am still currently working with Dean and the improvements are still showing all the time. I would recommend him 100% he has a broad view of life and is very helpful in any way I have ever needed."
Adam Hawking
47, Father of 3, Plant Hire Business, Kent.
Less Time In The Gym And In The Best Shape of His Life
"I was in a bit of a rut in terms of fitness. I'd see other guys my age doing all sorts of workouts I had no clue about and generally looking like they had a plan and knew what they were doing. Despite trying to pick up a few tips in the gym, I saw no results whatsoever. I was feeling a bit shit physically and generally felt weak.
I kept putting off reaching out to Dean because I thought I was too busy to commit. I finally took the plunge and wish I'd done it sooner. The program has been a game changer. I spend less time in the gym than I did before, but now I look like one of the guys with a plan. I feel fitter and stronger than I ever have, the education around nutrition has seen my energy levels increase massively. Most importantly, it's all been small changes that are easy to sustain."
Sean Milne
"I want to look like a 48 year old UFC fighter. Without the fucked up ears. And zero fighting skills of course."
"I’ve done the program twice, and I’ve been far from 100% perfect, but still made great improvement both times, and I recommend it. It’s defo worth spending a little cash on self improvement, considering all the other shite we waste money on.
I’ve slimmed down nicely, and I’m going to sign up for another 12 months to work more on gaining lean muscle mass.
So in 12 months time, I want to look like a 48 year old UFC fighter. Without the fucked up ears. And zero fighting skills of course.
Anyone out there thinking about signing up , just go for it. Do it now, no point in putting it off. Sooner you start, sooner you start dropping jeans size’s"
Martin MacLeod
Oil Industry/Offshore, Dad of 2, Scottish Living in Brazil
Gerry Whyte, Age 40, Dad of 2 From Ayrshire, Scotland
"I hate gyms and don't have the discipline to manage diets. I knew i had to try something or i would balloon out of all my clothes. I did an online search and came across Deans advert. Ended up eating more and losing weight...simple exercise program to follow tailored to my level and access expert advice from Dean when i needed it. Dean is a pretty chilled guy and I found that while he set me targets he is understanding/realistic of things like special occasions and other blips...he just gets you back on track. I'm 78kg now and feeling stronger and fitter than i have in a long time. Honestly the best thing i have done for myself"
Gerry Whyte
Dad of 2 From Ayrshire
"more confident in my appearance and I have more energy to enjoy spending time with my wife and kids.""
"I had hit 41 and felt tired, overweight and generally fed up. I had made some progress on my own in the proceeding 12 months in losing weight, but kept ‘falling off the wagon’ and bingeing on food/drink again.
The element missing from the other training plans, was the personal element provided by Dean. A down to earth coach (not a glitzy celebrity), with real life experience of what its like to live, work and raise a family in Scotland that I found I could easily relate to.
Since starting my journey, I have managed to break the rut and moved my BMI from overweight back into the ‘normal’ zone. The strength workouts have helped me tone up and I have become faster with the regular running I was already doing.
But even better (as its not about the numbers) I now look and feel better... clothes that have not fitted me for months/years now do, I feel more confident in my appearance and I have more energy to enjoy spending time with my wife and kids."
Gareth Smyth
Dad of 2, Irish Living in Scotland
"More energy and positivity which rubs off on everybody around me"
"The program has been great. Having a plan you just follow, no research or trial and error at your end which would have just added more time I don’t have and possible disappointments when it never worked.
I have lost 35lb (more than a fifth of my starting weight) and a load of inches, not to mention getting stronger (doing pullups - something I have never been able to do previously). Feeling better all-round, more energy and positivity which rubs off on everybody around me. If you are on the fence, thinking about it I’d say just jump into one of the short programs Dean offers and give it a shot. "
Craig Greig
Dad of 2, Mono-Blocking Business Owner
"I'm now leaner than I've been since my 20s."
"Before joining Dean's program I noticed that since turning 40 I had slowly but surely started putting on weight around the midriff. I'm a keen cyclist but no matter how much I rode I just didn't seem to be able to reverse the trend.
David Hills
Dad of two, South England
"Much stronger, lost 6 inches from my waist and over 2 stone in flab"
"I am much stronger, have totally changed my nutrition, lost 6 inches from my waist and over 2 stone in flab. More significantly though, I feel much better about myself. I have minimal equipment in my garage ‘set up’ and I enjoy my workouts. This worked for me as the program flexibility and time commitment required makes it all much more achievable"
Jams Tait
Dad of two, husband, Tugboat Master From Aberdeen, Living in England.
"buy my clothes medium instead of XL"
Mike Thorogood
Dad of 2, Off-Shore Oil Industry
Age 47, big family, 2 jobs & An Incredible Transformation
"I started because two jobs and a family takes a lot of my energy, and being a medical professional I knew I should be setting better examples of health and also for my kids, I want to be an active dad.Â
The process has been simple to follow, and life changing. My energy is much better and I'm able to deal with the stress of two jobs and having a family easier. I've lost lots of weight, gained strength and muscle, and really starting to tone up now"Â
Ian Donald
Medical Professional, Military, Fife.
"One day I stepped out the shower and looked in the mirror and thought, wow, look at that, you can really see the changes"
Before I started Dean's online program I felt I was over weight and unfit, I do have an active job but still when i was home I was lethargic and did not like what i saw in the mirror.
James Blackshaw
Train Engineer, Dad of 2, Paisley
Back To An Athletic Body Again
John realised he didn't recognise the body in the mirror, having been very athletic, competing in water sports in his younger years and always having a 6 pack. But as he started growing his own businesses, he got less and less time for himself and struggled to get back to looking and feeling his best, so he reached out to me.Â
The process has had lots of challenges for him, mostly down to limited time, as he travels a lot for one of his businesses, but he's always applied the mindset of 'do the best I can with the options I've got' rather than switch off. And I'm really proud of the attitude and efforts he puts in. He's well earned his results.
Multiple Business Owner, Scotland
"I look at myself in the mirror now and I’m feeling far better at what I’m seeing"
"I’ve dropped clothes sizes to a size I haven’t fit in for years (and comfortably too) I look at myself in the mirror now and I’m feeling far better at what I’m seeing. I’m beginning to run further n further without any injuries but the best thing is my energy levels are higher and my stress levels are far lower than they were prior to what they were. The habits I learnt have also rubbed off on my family and they’ve felt the benefits too.
I’m so glad I built up the courage to initially reach out to Dean. One of the best decisions I’ve made."
Simon Stansfield
Engineer, Halifax
"I am 43 years old with 2 young kids and am in the best shape of my life."
"Before working with Dean I was unfit, carrying excess body fat and conscious of both my overall health and appearance. I had tried a couple of programs at home but without any real success.
Dean has been awesome throughout the year providing guidance, support and encouragement, keeping me focused on progress and daily improvements.Â
I am blown away by the results. My body is so much leaner and toned, my fitness and strength are at levels they have never been before and I feel so much better overall. If you are thinking about it my advice would be to do it, I am 43 years old with 2 young kids and am in the best shape of my life."