A big problem for many dads losing the belly and getting in shape,
Is making the time to stay consistent.
Many lads tell me they get off to good starts.
But then it’s hard to keep it up with work, shuttling kids to clubs, and all that stuff.
If this is a problem for you?
Let’s look at some ways to fix that.
1. The Weekly battle-plan.
This is a ritual for all the lads in our programs.
Clear some time at the end of every week for you to sit down and put pen to paper.
Note down your wins from the week past.
Take some lessons from any obstacles that showed up.
Then set yourself a weekly target of 2-3 workouts, depending on what you’ve got coming up the week in front.
If you’re able, set your workouts in on your schedule, like a dentist appointment.
If you treat you workout like an appointment, you’ll more likely commit.
2. Stay Flexible
Life doesn’t make way for fitness.
Mike Tyson once said:
“Everyone has a plan til they get punched in the face”
It’s a general truth in life.
Your plans will often go out the window.
There’s just too much you can’t predict.
So set your your targets and make your plans.
But also take things day-to-day.
If you miss a workout because life takes over?
It’s no biggie.
Just shift it to the following day, or the next.
It only becomes a problem if you stop trying.
3. Know your workouts
Nothing creates procrastination like lack of clarity.
Having a program to follow, where you know exactly what you’re doing, and gets you out your comfort zone (by doing things you wouldn’t do if you’re just winging it).
And forces your body to make adaptations every week (so, actually changes your body and gets results), really can’t be valued enough.
It’s the difference between getting results and not.
And the difference between looking forward to your next workout, or dreading another boring session where you’ve no idea what you’re doing, or whether if it’s even working.
And there’s no excuse.
There’s a million free workout programs on the internet today.
To suit any ability or situation.
Even better, if you’re really serious about your results?
Hire a coach to help.
4. Dedicated Training Space
There’s nothing more demotivating than having to clear heaps of toys, storage stuff, etc to make room for training.
Have a chat with your other half.
See if you can agree on a dedicated space for you to train, where nothing gets stored or piled.
Whether it’s in a bedroom.
or a space in the garage.
Identify it.
Claim it.
And make it your own.
Start building your own little home set up.
5. Daily Practices
Some of my clients run businesses as well as provide for family.
Take Duncan, for example:
He’s a tree surgeon with big contracts and deadlines to deliver by.
We had months where he was working 7 days a week.
6am to 7pm.
Machines breaking down on him.
And everything going wrong that could have done.
Even still, he wanted to stay consistent.
So we committed to micro workouts.
5-10 minutes of daily press-ups, pull-ups, squats, jerry-can carry’s.
And because we kept maintaining his good nutrition?
He still lost belly fat and got leaner:
These micro workouts are great practice even on good weeks.
Let’s say for talking sake you do 5-15 press ups, and 10-20 squats, 3 times per day.
(I’m giving a rep range because everyone’s ability is different).
That’s 15-45 press ups, and 30-60 squats per day.
105-315 and 210-240 reps in a week.
In other words, A LOT of volume on those muscle groups.
Which, even if this is easy for you?
The stimulus sends a muscle-building signal to those muscle groups (chest, shoulders, triceps, quads, glutes).
So when these are ADDITIONAL to your 2-3 other workouts each week?
They almost turbocharge your results.
By creating a lot more shape and definition.
And on your bad weeks, where life gets in the way of your staple workouts?
They serve as an achievable minimum.
So at least you’re still getting LOTS of reps in.
I really hope this was helpful.
Let me know if you found it so?
That’s all I got today.
Get after it.
– Dean
PS – Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 more ways I can help you:
1) Get a my FREE busy dads eat-better guide (plus more great content like this straight to your email).
If you want to eat better to upgrade your energy and transform your body whilst keeping food simple?
There’s a box on this page somewhere (probably above and below here), put in your best email and you’ll get the free eat-better guide sent straight to your inbox.
You’ll also get my best tips to help educate and keep you motivated in transforming your health and your body
3) Have me personally coach and mentor you:
Every month I open the doors to my 28-day Rebirth program.
It’s for men aged 30+ who want to lose the dad-belly, upgrade their energy, and gain strength.
It’s a remote coaching program, so you can join from anywhere in the world, with minimal equipment.
If you’re interested, either fill in the contact form on this website or shoot me a PM on Facebook to let me know, we’ll have a chat and see if it’s right for you.
Dean McMenamin is an Army veteran, father, dog-lover and body transformation coach to every day men all over the UK & Ireland. He's also a big eater of ice-cream.