How Dads Over 35 Are Getting Back Into Smaller Waist Jeans Whilst Filling Out Their T-Shirt Sleeves & Chests With Muscle
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Dean is an Army veteran, former Military PTI, father to two teenagers, 2 dogs, and big eater of ice-cream.
He started his professional fitness career in the Army training Infantry soldiers, and has studied with the some of the worlds best fitness and nutrition coaches.
Since leaving the Army in 2014 he's helped hundreds of men transform their health, body image, and be fitter role models for their kids.
Get The Body Transformation Secrets Busy Dads Over 35 Are Using To Re-Energise, Shred Embarrassing Belly Fat & Build Muscle...
Get The Body Transformation Secrets Busy Dads Over 35 Are Using To Re-Energise, Shred Embarrassing Belly Fat & Build Muscle...
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