Is The Deadlift Right For Men Over 30? - Dean McMenamin

Is The Deadlift Right For Men Over 30?

If you’re a middle-aged man looking for the best ways to get in shape, you might have wondered whether or not to deadlift… Or maybe you’ve never considered it at all.

But you just might want to.

Many guys body-swerve it for worry it’ll break their back, and the standard conventional deadlifts certainly isn’t right for everyone. Find the right variation for you, and use it well, however, and it could just protect your back from injury, whilst building yourself an incredible looking body.

Watch the video below for more:

About the Author Dean McMenamin

Dean McMenamin is an Army veteran, father, dog-lover and body transformation coach to every day men all over the UK & Ireland. He's also a big eater of ice-cream.

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