27 Ways To Lose Fat & Define Your Physique
(Even if you're busy with work, kids, and everything else in life)
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Over 27 days you'll receive a free, bite-sized daily email with wisdom to help you:
- Say goodbye to waves of anxiety about taking your top off on holiday or taking the kids swimming.
- Lose belly fat, gain definition, and look awesome in your t-shirs (or with your top off) - in only 3 hours of exercise each week, with workout templates I've used to help hundreds of busy dads get in shape (the average man spends 3-4 hours per DAY on screens, so this is an easy time investment).
- Eat better, get results, and set healthier examples for your family without strict diets, counting calories, or eating like a squirrel.
- Avoid wasting anymore time and effort on workouts that keep you looking the exact same.
- Stop quitting when life gets in the way, be more consistent and have everyone looking to you for fitness inspiration.
- Bounce back quickly from set backs and easily deal with periods of low motivation.
- And everything else you’ll ever need to know about losing belly fat, building muscle, and being fit for life, whilst juggling work, kids, and everything life throws at you.
Get a daily, actionable email tips of fitness, fat loss, and muscle gain wisdom you can use to build a leaner, stronger, healthier you.
It’s free, and if you don’t like it you can unsubscribe at any time.
Hi - I'm Dean.
I was once a skinny, weak, walking example of malnutrition from a Glasgow council scheme with little ambition in life. The Army got hold of me and turned me into fit, strong, military Physical Trainer.
I started my professional fitness career in the Army training Infantry soldiers, and have studied with the some of the worlds best fitness and nutrition coaches.
In 2013 I was medically discharged with career-ending injuries and had a few years struggling with my mental and physical health, injuries, and even an auto-immune illness. But with the right help I made a comeback with my physical and mental game.
Since then, I've helped hundreds of every day men in their 30s, 40s, and older, lose fat, gain muscle, and be healthier role models for their families.
Many of them getting in even better shape than they were in their twenties.
I've created a free email course of actionable tips you can use to get leaner, stronger, and craft a sculpted physique without any weird diets, strict food rules, or fitness taking over your life.
You'll receive an email every day for 27 days with an actionable piece of fat loss and fitness wisdom from my personal and professional experience of coaching hundreds men from all over the UK and Ireland.
It's free and if you don't like it you can unsubscribe at any time.
18 Gordon Avenue, Glasgow, G696HJ.
Email: dean@deanmcmenamin.co.uk
Phone: 07581035023
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Copyright 2024 by Dean McMenamin.