A lot of guys struggle with motivation on their fitness journey. Getting started is easy, it’s keeping going that’s the problem. So they’re always in a cycle of starting and stopping. Whether with just training or eating, or both. Maybe you know the feeling? If so, today we’re gonna get to the bottom of this. […]
Continue readingStruggle with motivation? Good at getting started with fitness and eating better, but always fall back to old ways? Wish you could just stay motivated for long enough to see the body you want in the mirror? After a decade of coaching hundreds of men to better bodies, and formerly training Infantry soldiers to high […]
Continue readingOver 60% of men in the UK and Ireland are obese or overweight. It’s normal to have high blood pressure and pre-diabetic. Auto-immune conditions are becoming normal. The number of fat kids are rising too – when I was in school in the nineties and early 2000’s, there was like, three. They need more healthier […]
Continue readingGotta a great question form email reader, Craig, last week: Question: “Why do I struggled with my discipline & commitment? I as described in one of your blogs (all in or all out!). This is a question I keep asking myself… I get to a good place, then there’s a trigger (unknow) but I slide […]
Continue reading“I eat way too much crap” “my diet’s horrendous” “I have cravings all the time” If any of this sounds familiar? I know the feeling. I used to be the same way But cutting it all out isn’t really as simple as, well, cutting it all out… Because more often than not, there’s good reasons we […]
Continue readingI fell off the wagon today Big time Slept in by 2 hours this morning, lost half the day and didn’t get to the gym. I only did a quick bodyweight workout done at home. But that’s not where I really screwed up… Whilst planning my week in D’nisis cafe over a coffee, I crumbled […]
Continue readingMen are changing… Low muscle mass, man boobs, ‘Dad bods’ are becoming the norm. Many are embarrassed to take their kids swimming or hit the pool on holiday. Energy levels at rock-bottom, hooked on caffeine and suffering mood swings. If you’re a man experiencing any of the above? Keep reading The quality of your sleep […]
Continue readingYesterday I took a huge leap. Literally… I did my first bungee jump and faced my fear of heights. Which is crazy, cus my nerves were rattling just before it. In fact, I almost didn’t do it (Seriously) As I shuffled forward to that edge… I got all dizzy and felt very, very panicky. I mean, […]
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